Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana Paper

|ETHICAL ISSUE MAP |[pic] | ———————– 7. Do any PEDs or pseudoethics enter into my thinking about this issue? Some of the psuedoethics that enter into thinking about this issue I would have to say would be religious beliefs. It came up it the discussion that the Native Americans smoke marijuana at their spiritual and religious ceremony’s. 9. Implications/Consequences of my conclusion.I truly believe that there wouldn’t be any consequences it the government legalized marijuana. 8. Thought Out Conclusion I personally feel that the America would very much so benefit from the legalization of marijuana. 3. Important Information I need to know to answer these ethical questions. What research needs to be done? Some research that may need to be done before making a decision would probably be research. I think that they should research how marijuana affects the brain and if this is a positive or negative thing.I also believ e that they should do tests to see how people operate while under the influence of marijuana. 4. What ethical theories & concepts can I use to guide my thinking? Which theory is most important one to apply here? In regard to the use of legalization of marijuana I believe that the ethical relativism theory is the most important concept to apply to this matter. These issues are based on what is normal in ones culture and many societies have different beliefs.This is especially true in regard to the usage of marijuana, for example the American Indian culture was well known for smoking â€Å" peace pipes† and in todays society in Holland they actually have cafe style places that people can meet specifically to smoke marijuana, similar to a coffee bar, Many years ago marijuana was actually legal in the United States however as noted in the Ethical Relativism Theory minority beliefs can become the code for society and its institutionalized ethical practices. 2. Who are the Stakehol ders? DoctorsCancer victims Anyone with Pain The government 5. How can I re-frame this issue? I can re-frame this issue by looking at this topic at different viewpoints and seeing other options to this. One may think that if marijuana is legalized that it will only be used primarily for recreational use but if they look further into what it can to benefit people that may help change their mind. 6. Main assumptions & can I support these assumptions? I assume that if marijuana is legalized it will only benefit the U. S government and human health.The way that it will help the government is that we could tax it like we tax food and other goods and this would help out our economy. Also it would help our human health by benefiting those that have sever pain who don’t want to take medication that they could possibly become addicted to. It will also help cancer victims, people with sever migraines and a lot of other different diseases. 1. Define the issue. What are the specific ethi cal questions that arise from this issue? The ethical question being asked here is should marijuana be legalized?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Business in sport †SWOT analysis for DONFI Essay

Business in Sport Identify the Market Research methods that are used in two selected sports Organisations. I will start this assignment by explaining that market research is the gathering of information and studying the data collected relating to the consumers preference. This gives a company an insight prior to introducing a product on to the market. For my first sports company I will choose DONFI. I will start by doing a SWOT analysis, then explain the 4 P’s relating to market research and lastly PEST. A SWOT analysis stands for, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. So I can relate this to DONFI by explaining that their- STRENGTHS- are that the company came up with an idea of producing t-shirts which a variety of people would buy, they knew they would be unique as the designs were imported from America. The costs were aimed at students not earning a great deal of money this insured the t-shirts would gain interest but at the same time they were still priced so the company would be making profit. Lastly the team that started the company had great belief in the products to succeed which made selling them easier. WEAKNESSES- The fact that DONFI had only a couple of months to get the company up and running made it hard especially as once we got it running there was again only a few months to sell all the produce. This meant that everyone needed to be dedicated. Also the area in which the produce was being sold was the best DONFI could have but would have been better if they had more than one sales area. Another issue would be that if we were to run out of stock we would have to bulk order the next batch which may be too many. OPPORTUNITIES- DONFI would need to think about expanding their sales area in the future to increase sales. They could also expand on their stock by this I mean that they could introduce more designs in perhaps a variety of coloured t-shirts and also bring in smaller t-shirts rather than large as the demand seemed to be greater. THREATS- The threats to this company are that they need to stay aware of other competition wanting to start similar companies and also the designs used may become more common from larger outsider companies. DONFI also need to be aware that the team is going to have to break apart some day down to a variety of interests and future aspirations of individuals. The 4 P’s relating to Marketing stand for Product, Price, Promotion and Place. I will now relate these to DONFI- PRODUCT- This can be either a good product like the idea of the unique T-shirts or a good service provided to a customer the person that buys the product or the consumer the person that wears DONFI’S T-shirt. In this companies case they provide a product range to both. This company is not big enough to sell forming as a chain of distribution because they don’t have the quantity (although they could get it). What DONFI does is realise who their target market is all and sell to them. PRICE- DONFI realised straight away that if the price wasn’t right they would not succeed. This means that the price needs to suit the quality of the product as well as being suited to your target consumers. DONFI attempted to sell shirts at  £15 to begin with but then realised that they were not grabbing the attention of the customer so by lowering the price to  £10 the company was able to break even and start making profit. This method they used is known as cost-plus pricing, where they add a profit mark up to the unit cost. PROMOTION- the main aims are to inform and make people aware of the product being sold. So DONFI did this by distributing flyers, word of mouth and advertising their product on the internet and on TV screens where all students will be made aware of the product. Sales promotions during events were advertised with new flyers to attract more people to buy for the event being advertised. Also by highlighting promotions e.g. 1 T-shirt for  £7 or 2 T-shirts for  £10 attracts customers wanting a good deal. PLACE- DONFI needed to think of the most cost effective way to get the product across to the consumer. DONFI attempted direct marketing on the internet by saying if you were interested in the shirts then contact the Managing Director direct.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Recognition of the Faces Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Recognition of the Faces - Article Example However, whether skin color is the major contributor for the ORE has not yet been experimentally determined. In this article, the skin color of African and Caucasian faces was manipulated without changing the facial features and face-recognition task was employed to determine whether own-race and other-race recognition depended on skin color or facial features. The research design involved the identification of a set of faces in the initial task and these faces where then manipulated and in the test phase the participants were presented with both the old and new faces and were required to press a key to identify an old and the new face. Recognition of the faces presented constitutes the dependent variable of the study while skin color and facial features are the independent variables. 48 Caucasian students participated in the task and in the initial task they were shown 16 faces in random order. This was followed by the test phase in which the 16 old faces and the 16 new faces were shown again in random order. The total faces presented were 64 chromatic pictures with 16 original African and 16 original Caucasian faces and 16 whitened African and 16 blackened Caucasian faces. All of the faces were obtained from the Tel Aviv face database with females constituting about half of the faces in each category. All the external features of the face s were cropped and the skin color conversion was carried out by extracting the red-green-blue values (RGB) taken from 16 coordinates on each face that was to be converted and they were matched at the same coordinates of the other-race face. This was followed by filtering and color-curve adjustment to complete the color conversion and all the procedures were carried out through Adobe Photoshop CS2 software. The four versions created were presented to each participant only once in the initial study and test phase of the task and each face was shown as either old or new.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Chinese classroom culture and American classroom culture Thesis

Chinese classroom culture and American classroom culture - Thesis Example A classroom culture of trust and transparency is the foundation for creating an environment where students are empowered with correct and appropriate feedback helping in effective learning along with offering them a chance to learn from their mistakes resulting in the achievement of common goals and objectives in a planned manner. It is important to create a trusting environment as it helps students to learn along with offering learning to others through experiences. However, different countries take different approaches to design their classroom culture based on the goals and objectives formulated by the supervisory bodies. A trusting classroom environment embedded with transparency helps in winning the trust of students along with offering them a robust platform of learning and invaluable experiences through course books and personal learning and sharing (Chalker, Haynes, 1994). The next part of the discussion presents an insight over Chinese classroom culture in terms of ideas and methods used to enhance the learning of students. Chinese Classroom Culture The educational system is China is more of Socialist oriented where sharing of ideas and knowledge is considered as the prime element of learning. Chinese classrooms are often packed with up to fifty students and learning is driven by group activities and discussions that is an element of socialism. Chinese schooling is extremely competitive that means students have to compete at the grade school level by sitting in competitive exams and working hard to ensure high grades in order to het admission in best of schools. The Chinese education system can be considered as a stepping stone for the success of the economy in many ways. Students are compelled to succeed in order to serve the society and any sort of lagging behind may singled them out and thus creating extra amount of pressure that often affects their learning capabilities. The motivation for excellence is quite different in China compared to other co untries as China emphasizes on creating productive citizens who can serve the society and nation along with creating value for the nation. In Western countries, children may have individuals’ goals and dreams to become wealthy but in China, the entire focus is on enhancing the level of productivity so that the nation can be served in a productive manner. This has created extra burden on students in order to be competitive and excel in their fields. China has a large population and often space becomes an issue especially while accommodating 50-60 students in a single class. This is why classes are very near to each other separated only by walls. On the other hand, teachers share common room that mitigates hierarchies across academia and barriers to communicate with other teachers. Hansen, Childs (1998) stated that in Chinese education system, teachers can easily meet and communicate with each other and do not feel isolated as much as American School teachers. This clearly show s that the culture of sharing ideas and beliefs is the top most priority of the Chinese education system that is taken forward in classrooms in a logical way. Redding (1980) believed that Chinese students are often considered as more reverential and memory oriented. They are also very

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gun Control Legislation (Do stricter laws correlate to lower homicide Thesis

Gun Control Legislation (Do stricter laws correlate to lower homicide rates, fewer gun related crimes and less illegal weapons) - Thesis Example This book illustrates the author’s research on crime, prevention, and the authority to have concealed weapons. He severely condemns the notion that it is unjustified to allow citizens to carry guns, as it is harmful to the society, however, concealed weapons is only dangerous to the criminals and useful to the common man. The writer provides data of 3000 U.S. countries who imposed gun laws over 18 years (Lott, 2010) and as a result, the crime rate like murder, theft went down immediately. Moreover, according to Lott, the people who benefitted were mostly women, Blacks, and individuals living in the rural areas. However, in the book some statistics is rather dull and boring especially the data tables. This book is an excellent read especially for those who believe that gun laws should be implemented. Moreover, the book offers us a variety of debates that help us argue people who are in support of gun control. This source however, does not give much emphasis on the gun laws of A merica, instead, it provides data of gun control laws of other countries. The article gives information about Colorado’s mass killing that took lives of twelve people and fifty eight were injured. Living in America is extremely threatening because a person is more likely to be killed in the US than any other country like Britain, Japan and Germany. Moreover, the article gives credible information about why the crime rate is so high in America by telling, â€Å"two- thirds of the people in America carry guns, whereas in Britain only 10% of the people carry weapons† (Colorado’s dark night). The article shed lights on Obama’s failed strategy of gun control and the condition of the country is getting worse as a result. Every politician hides behind the Second Amendment constitution, which says the people have the right to carry arms. The

California advocacy paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

California advocacy - Research Paper Example Legalizing marijuana would free up law-enforcement funds and manpower so they are free to tackle more urgent social issues such as gangs and violent criminals. There is precedent in other countries such as the Netherlands where, although not fully legal, use of marijuana is openly tolerated. It can be legally purchased and consumed in Amsterdam at specially licensed ‘coffee houses’ without undue risk to the general public. This fact proves that opponents claims of rampant anarchy should the drug be made legal are baseless. Available evidence in California and elsewhere proves that legalizing marijuana within the state would be beneficial to society, contribute to the welfare of the state and improve quality of life for many. A movement to make the drug legal was voted down last November in the form of Proposition 19 but was revived last month in the form of the Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform 2012. Proposition 19 "would have allowed adults to grow and possess mariju ana and authorized cities and counties to legalize and tax sales" (Hoeffel, 2011). Proposition 19 failed by a vote of 46-54 percent last November, but may win in 2012 with larger voter turn-out due to the Presidential election and with some adjustments to the bill. Because Cannabis Policy Reform is based on the same arguments brought forward in Proposition 19, it is appropriate to examine some of the issues that were addressed by Prop 19 in examining the topic. It is important to remember in this discussion that possession of marijuana in quantities of less than an ounce is merely a civil infraction within the state rather than a criminal misdemeanor as it is in many other states after the enactment of SB 1449, signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in October of 2010. In addition, medical marijuana use and growers are also legal under state, but not federal law, following enactment of Proposition 215 in 1996 (Gieringer, 2011). This is because marijuana has proven more effective in re lieving numerous health issues than prescription drugs as is attested to by a cancer patient and former police commissioner. In addition to relieving his nausea, Jo Daly said he was â€Å"able to drastically reduce my dependence on more powerful prescription drugs that I was prescribed for pain and nausea. With the help of medical marijuana, which I ingest only occasionally and in small amounts, I no longer need the Compazine, Lorazepam, Ativan and Halcion. No combination of these medications provided adequate relief. They also caused serious side effects that I never experienced with marijuana† (1997). Proposition 19 was designed to extend the benefits of marijuana to the state and the average citizen without the need to go through the farce of obtaining a medical prescription. The provisions given under Proposition 19 would have changed things very little from where they already are today on an individual level but could have given the state numerous benefits. Individuals o ver the age of 21 would be allowed to possess and consume the drug in quantities of less than one ounce at a time in non-public places and could grow marijuana plants in a private residence with at least 25 square feet of personal space (Legislative Analyst's Office, 2009). The only difference here would be that those growing and using the drug already wouldn't need to fear being caught and

Friday, July 26, 2019

No texting on your cell phone while driving Essay

No texting on your cell phone while driving - Essay Example Many new rules and regulations have been issued to prevent this matter in most parts of the world. This position paper focuses on the idea that people should not do texting on their cell phones while driving it is injuries for one’s life. This statement is supported by concentrating on three main point’s i.e. distracted driving videos, laws and rules of using cell phones and college student’s perception on texting. 1.2 Distracted driving Distracted driving is very risky and injuries for peoples life. Many videos on distracted driving have been launched by US transportation in order to create awareness among people. According to agency group (2011), â€Å"Faces of distracted driving is mainly a series of video which focuses on the dangerous consequences of texting on cell phone while driving.† This means that use of cell phone and texting has become quite common among people while driving and leads to accidents. In 2009, around half a million people got inj ured and 5,500 people died due to texting on cell phone while driving. Many websites are encouraging to upload distracting videos in order to educate people of the society about the threats related to texting while driving such as USDOT, face book, you tube etc. Video US department of transportation introduced a video on the facts of distracted driving. This video concentrated on Brown family, emphasizing on their 17 years old daughter, Alex. She got killed in an accident in 2009; the reason was that she was doing text message on cell phone while driving in Texas. This family also appeared on ABC extreme makeover: Home Edition in order to raise the awareness of dangers related to distracted driving, so that this thing does not happen in any other family. Presidential order on distracted driving US president gave an order on distracted driving in December 2009, which prohibited four million employees from doing text messages on cell phone while using government vehicles. This order w as passed to make people familiarize of the dangers of distracted driving (Agency Group, 2009). 1.3 Laws and rules Some of the laws and regulations made in relation to texting on cell phone while driving are described below: FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) passed a rule to prohibit the use of cell phones to rail employees while they are on duty. This rule was issued after the rail crash in California which killed 25 people. FMCA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) passed a rule in September 2010 in which text messaging on cell is prohibited while using a commercial motor vehicle. PHMSA (Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration) restricted the use of any electronic device during driving a motor vehicle in December 2010 (Agency Group, 2011). Most recently, in January 2010, a federal guidance was issued by US transportation secretary in which commercial vehicles such as busses and trucks drivers were prohibited from texting messages while driving and if any one was caught in doing this practice a penalty of $2,750 would be charged on the driver. Eighteen states have banned texting messages while drivers from November 2009. Most of them have imposed fine on drivers who are caught texting while driving. 1.4 College students and text messaging Presently College students are frequent drivers. Large numbers of students drive by their own to go to colleges and universities. According to Harrison Marissa A, (2011). â€Å"It has been identified that 91% of college students do text messages while

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Experimental Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Experimental Research - Essay Example On the other hand, the prevailing data just prior to the initiation of price promotion will also be gathered. This is to ensure finding the potential impact of price promotion on the number or average number of tissues sold each week for the two-month-period experiment. In other words, there must be a comparison of data, because this is one of the ways in order to know if there is an existing relationship between the price promotion and the number of items sold for tissue. The 50 cents off-coupon should be denoted â€Å"1†. The buy-one-get-one-free promotion should be denoted â€Å"2†. And finally, the no promotion or regular price offering should be denoted as â€Å"3†. In this way, the actual data should look like what is presented in Table 1. The point of denoting the price promotion into numerical values is to be able to use a quantitative method of analysis that will determine the relationship or the cause and effect of price promotion and the number of items of tissue that will be sold. If there is an existing relationship this means that there should be either a higher positive or negative correlation between the chosen variables, the price promotion and the number of quantity sold for tissue product as shown in Figure 1. After conducting a correlation analysis, the regression analysis will also be conducted in order to determine the actual model showcasing the actual relationship between the chosen variables. In other words, the experiment will not only test the relationship of the variables, but their actual associations. This is one way of knowing or representing the cause and effect relationship of the dependent and independent variables of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Effectiveness of Counterinsurgency Efforts Employed Against FARC, ELN, Research Paper

Effectiveness of Counterinsurgency Efforts Employed Against FARC, ELN, and AUC. Colombian and Peruvian Guerilla Groups - Research Paper Example For the purpose of this analysis, the research has been conducted from a range of qualitative secondary sources which have helped to shed light on the extent to which the governments of Peru and Colombia have successfully prosecuted their respective counterinsurgency wars. Secondly, the research question centers on the overall effectiveness of how these counterinsurgency struggles have been organized, implemented, and the end result of the aforementioned practices. Success is therefore easily determined based upon answering the question regarding whether the counterinsurgency efforts have been effective in either A) encouraging the insurgents to lay down their weapons and join the political process B) have resulted in a complete and total defeat of the insurgency or C) have had little effect and the insurgency is ongoing unabated. As such the research question can be answered by examining the current tactical and/or political situation posed by each of the insurgent groups that will be discussed in this paper.The case of ELN is unique for a number of reasons. First, the ELN is one of the few guerilla movements that was fought and defeated during the tumultuous battles that were ongoing within the continent between supporters of left and right at the time. Second, the ELN was unique in that it chose to work outside the framework of politics; choosing instead to espouse the Cuban revolutionaries beliefs that â€Å"first comes action – then the party†. ... Secondly, the research question centers on the overall effectiveness of how these counterinsurgency struggles have been organized, implemented, and the end result of the aforementioned practices. Success is therefore easily determined based upon answering the question regarding whether the counterinsurgency efforts have been effective in either A) encouraging the insurgents to lay down their weapons and join the political process B) have resulted in a complete and total defeat of the insurgency or C) have had little effect and the insurgency is ongoing unabated. As such the research question can be answered by examining the current tactical and/or political situation posed by each of the insurgent groups that will be discussed in this paper. ELN - Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional The case of ELN is unique for a number of reasons. First, the ELN is one of the few guerilla movements that was fought and defeated during the tumultuous battles that were ongoing within the continent between supporters of left and right at the time. Second, the ELN was unique in that it chose to work outside the framework of politics; choosing instead to espouse the Cuban revolutionaries beliefs that â€Å"first comes action – then the party†. In this way, ELN relinquished any and all claims to legitimacy it might have claimed with respect to the political process. Further, by distancing themselves from politics in such a manner, they effectively cut themselves off from all support and aid they might have received within their own country; instead, they were forced to rely on resupply and technical/tactical support from fellow communist sympathizers (usually from nations such as

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Final Examination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Final Examination - Essay Example Recruitment involves the generation of a pool of applicants qualified for a specific job. As defined by Fried and Fottler (2008), it refers to a set of processes used by organisations to attract individuals qualified for a given job in a timely fashion and in sufficient volumes and to promote their application of jobs available in the organisation. The human resource plan informs the approach to be used in designing the recruitment processes. This would guide on the recruitment strategies to use, the kind of applicants needed for the organisation to achieve its intended objectives and the process of recruiting and hiring. The designing process starts with analysing a job to determine the knowledge, skills, abilities and tasks associated with the job and therefore develop the qualifications that applicants should meet. Further, it would entail scanning the external environment to determine the supply for potential candidates and their competitiveness for the given job. This would incl ude establishing compensation from competitors and available external recruitment sources. A review of past recruitment process for a similar position, if not the same position, guides on where to improve. This would lead to querying the human resources information system to evaluate the skills, experience, training and education of current employees. It also provides data of previous applicants, the cost of recruitment and information on the performance and retention of employees. This results in a well-defined and objective recruitment process. Internal candidates are already known to their organisation, including their performance and potential, thus the ability to make accurate decision on their fit for the job. Because these candidates are aware of the processes and procedures of the organisation, the start-up time for them is minimal. Additionally, providing internal candidates with arising opportunities boosts morale among workers, encouraging the productive ones to remain in the organisation. However, the movement of an employee to another position could create a disruptive ripple effect to the entire organisation. It has also been noted that internal candidates could be promoted to greater positions without necessarily meeting the required aptitude, especially among clinical staff in healthcare organisations. Therefore, an organisation could prefer to acquire external candidates who bring with them new perspectives and ideas. It also gives the organisation the ability to target candidates with specific knowledge and skills on the given job. These candidates are perfect for organisations marred with politics as they are not restrained by such politics. Even so, these external candidates could fail to fit in the organisation’s culture. Their abilities and skills are also uncertain as no primary data exists on their performance. Finally, orientation of these candidates consumes time. This has caused organisations to adopt other selection tools suc h as recruiting part-time workers, employee referral and engaging executive search firms or employment agencies. Organisations seek to adopt retention strategies to have employees stay with them. Job satisfaction and sensitivity to staff welfare determine staff turnover. Therefore, to curb high staff turnover, organisations aim at making their compensation competitive including giving loans at favourable

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Great American Clean Up Essay Example for Free

The Great American Clean Up Essay For my service learning activity, I participated in the Great American Clean Up; a community wide roadside trash pick up volunteer experience. Our goal as volunteers was to clean up various parts of Statesboro by picking up trash around town. By doing this, we were not only helping to keep our community looking beautiful, but also helping to rid the environment of waste materials that did not belong there. My group was stationed on Cypress lake road. Armed with trash bags, a latex glove, and yellow safety vests, we walked a strip of about 5 miles picking up trash on the sides of the road. At first, some students were complaining that it was windy and chilly outside, or that they just wanted to go home and get back in bed, (myself included. ) However, after we started to get into the groove of things, everyone was laughing and chatting with one another and comparing their bags to see who had collected the most trash so far. I had no idea just how bad of a problem littering was in our community, even in nice neighborhoods such as the ones down Cypress Lake road. The Great American Clean Up was great chance for our community to come together for a united cause and do something positive for our environment and the city of Statesboro. I think this was a good thing for me as well as many other students to experience, because without seeing a real world example, most young people don’t realize just how much what we do can affect our environment. I would definitely participate in a community clean up or some other volunteer activity again in the future. I think we all need to be more involved and make it our mission to take better care of the environment in which we live in!

Capitalization Exercise Essay Example for Free

Capitalization Exercise Essay The patient is a 55-year-old African American, who speaks French and Chinese, presenting with a chief complain of chest pain. He has been having mild chest pain since early autumn, but it has been increasing recently, especially over the holidays. He has been taking Dyazide for blood pressure and also uses ibuprofen occasionally. On Sunday, New Year’s Day, he called his insurance company and was referred to South Side Hospital. The patient presented to the emergency department for evaluation and was noted to have T-wave inversions on his ECG. Chest x-ray showed no pneumonia or pulmonary edema.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Internet Technology in Higher Education

Internet Technology in Higher Education Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide. Internet has become increasing popular for many uses such as business marketing, online shopping and education which are just a few of the many advantages the internet can provide. It is a network that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by a broad area of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The internet carries a vast range of information and resources such as the internet linked hypertext documents of the world wide and infrastructure to support electronic mail. Most traditional communication media including telephone, music, film and defined the internet, giving birth to new services such as voice over internet protocol. Newspaper print, books and other print publishing are adapting to website technology are reshaped into blog ging and web feeds. The internet has enabled and accelerated new forms of human interaction through instant messaging, internet forums and social networking. Online shopping has boomed both for major retail, outlet and small traders. Nowadays we can say the whole university is connected through the internet even many different universities are connected with each other through the internet and technology. It is the main source of communication and connecting with each other. Internet connects the world together learning can be more interactive Technology affects nowadays practically most activities in our life. The new digital technology have economy, markets ,politics, our workplace, the ways we communicate with each other our home activities ,as well as operation of all level of education from kinder garden to doctoral studies. Now technology has changed our life. Both internet and technology are really very effective for education .These are two sides of the same coin .The internet and technology go side by side, so these effects on the higher studies from various ways such as education becomes more easier with the help of internet and technology. Internet is a tool that can be used in variety of ways such as it makes life easier; you can make communication with other, You can search upon anything which you want to find out. Internet, as most of us know, is a large network of networks, which communicate with each other by means of data packets. Internet is regarded as the largest information base. Today, Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. We depend on the internet to update ourselves about current news and rely on the communication platform it offers to get in touch with our near ones. The information from all around the world is just a click away, thanks to the internet. There are numerous advantages of the internet in education like gaining Information, news, historical data and, communication. Thats why the higher education becomes easier and flexible. The fast and relatively low cost access is one of the major benefits to people and a student all over the world as getting an Internet connection is easy. Communication information is the two most important advantages of the Internet in education. Secondly, information can be updated or modified at any time and for any number of times, which helps in learning and better understanding. Computer plays an important role in education system. Internet and technology does really effects upon the education because education is incomplete without internet and technology so that internet and technology are most important part of education. Nowadays higher education becomes much easier with the help of internet and technology. Internet has changed our lives because everything is possible with the help of internet. We can do everything with the help of Internet like communication is much easier and we can share everything with our family and friend by using internet. Internet is quite best technique for higher education as well as technology really good for the education because technology is also very help full for education. Technology improves students achievement such as in the medical line, in media, engineering and many more. Many different types of technology can be used to support and enhance learning. Various technologies deliver different kinds of content and serve different purposes in classrooms. For example, word processing, e-mail promotes communication skills, data base and spread sheet programs promote organizational skills, and modelling software promotes the understanding of science and math concepts. I t is important to consider how these electronic technologies differ and what characteristics make them important as vehicles for education. Technology available in classrooms today range from simple tool based application (such as word processor) to online repositories of scientific data and primary historical document to handheld computers closed -circuit television channels, and two way distance learning classrooms. Each technology is likely to play a different role in students learning. Even the cell phones that many students now carry with them can be used learn. The impact of all technologies on students are of two types like the one kind of technologies are being used in the classrooms for different -different purposes. Two general distinctions can be made. Students can learn from computers where technology used essentially as tutors and serve to increase students basic skills and knowledge, and can learn with computers -where technology is used a tool that can be applied to a variety of goals in the learning process and they can develop their creativity and research skills. So we can say that the higher study and higher education totally depends upon internet and technology. Nowadays, internet and technology giving us so many different ideas and things about education, we have a lot of material about education its only because of internet and technology. Internet makes everything so easy like we can say that communication becomes so easy with the help of internet. Higher level education like Bca, mca, bsc, msc,, relates to computer and is possible to do this study with the help of internet and technology because it is related to technology. Technology analyse the hardware and software. It implement about technique of study. Everything has its own negative and positive aspects so internet and technology affected both sides positively and negatively to higher education. Internet helps student in referring anything under the sun from language to science to medicine. It has made work much easier for student and teachers .student can refer anything from school project to their thesis work in college. Library reference has greatly reduced as student can browse entopic much faster in comfort of their own house and time. It helps student to do their homework, project and assignment. Knowledge is now at the tip of the finger. .There is so many disadvantages of internet because student has started wasting their time in chatting, playing computer games, browsing unnecessary things not required for them. Many parents fail to curb their from wasting time from browsing unnecessary things as the totally lack knowledge on internet. There are so many chances to misuse of internet and technology. The internet is a tool that can be used in a variety of ways. Since the introduction of internet and accessibility to the worldwide web, education has evolved from text book; flip to enriched multimedia documents presentation. The computer facilitates seamless flow of facts in a fraction. It is challenge to find any higher education course today that does not require the use of the internet in some form of another. The truth of the matter is that the internet has allowed education to be access to just 10 years ago. The internet has afforded us vast improvements in efficiency for that form of education called DISTANCE EDUCATION. In the past it is used to be managed via mail, radio and later television. Internet has changed our life and it is not different for students. The worldwide web offers a wealth of information which can be useful for every kind of information. Many students dont need to visit the library no more for research because u can find a plenty of encyclopaedias and many education sites when you browse through different internet sites. It is not only a source of information but you can also follow some online courses which may benefit knowledge about a certain course. It is also a used for communication with others students and even professors. There are several kinds of education where you need to consult a certain protected internet page to know your daily tasks and even the date and hour when the course take place. Face book and other networking sites are popular between students to share knowledge. They may also use some messaging services of the internet, for example yahoo messenger, window live messenger, mail which allows chatting between students. In short we can say that internet is a blessing when used wisely and appropreriately. After all these things we can say that the internet and technology totally effected to the higher education. Now everything is possible to do with the help of internet. Technology makes the education much easier so the higher education becomes so easy and intrusting.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

the tempest Essay -- essays research papers

Through the use of his magic, Prospero seeks to surpass worldly values and create a utopia, or ideal society. This becomes evident in how Shakespeare portrays the innocence of Ferdinand and Miranda. He insists that Ferdinand not â€Å"Break her virgin knot before All sanctimonious ceremonies may.†(Act 4, Scene 1) Prospero’s seeking to create an ideal society also becomes evident in his attempts at making his usurping brother and his court to repent. Thus, he is trying to make right of what has gone wrong in the world. He does this by working with his faithful spirit Ariel and using his magical knowledge to create a world in which he can create his own future and reconcile with his past. When his opportunity arrives to make his enemies repent, Prospero seizes the opportunity and sets out to reverse the events that occurred twelve year previously. â€Å"Hell is empty and all the devils are here,†(Act 1, Scene 1) Ferdinand yelled as he leapt from the burning ship during the tempest. The great tempest that Prospero bade Ariel to create was made by magic. The ship burned but it did not split, break, or sink. The ship was brought safely into the harbor and her crew was magically charmed to sleep. The occurrence of a mighty storm is a pivotal plot-mover, as well as a symbol for transformation. In The Tempest, the storm provides for the arrival of the King of Naples, the usurping Duke of Milan, Gonzalo, and the rest of their party, including Stephano and Trinculo. While the latter two do not...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Womens Freedom during Chinas Revolutionary Period Essay -- Asian His

Women's Freedom during China's Revolutionary Period During the revolutionary period in China from 1921 to 1934, although there were undercurrents of an actual feminist movement, according to Kay Ann Johnson in Women, the Family & Peasant Revolution in China, women’s progress resulted more as a necessity of the war than the leadership’s commitment to emancipate women. Furthermore, when tension arose between men and women, the leadership usually appeased men over women. By not discussing the mentality of the political parties and the dynamics of the war, Hughes and Hughes’ critique lacks an explanation of the underlying motives that drove these parties to sometimes support women and other times reject women’s interests. Hughes and Hughes explain that â€Å"male educators and members of the KMT now proclaimed Chinese women emancipated† (H&H 237). However, Johnson’s critique paints quite a different and more complex emancipation. The philosophies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) reflected undertones of feminist thought and consideration. The CCP’s ideology developed in the early twentieth century as a result of a radical intellectual movement in urban areas composed of disillusioned students and professors. The CCP did recognize women’s progressive demands and desires for equal rights. In 1922, at the Second National Congress, the Party established the Women’s Department which aided women’s revolutionary political activity (Johnson 41). The Manifesto of the Second Congress responded to women’s groups such as the Woman Suffrage Alliance and the Alliance for the Women’s Rights Movements by including objectives such as â€Å"the limited right to vote for all workers and peasants, regardless of sex, [and] protect... ...ower in the war. Thus, it is difficult to assess whether women did attain emancipation since emancipation under such a politically charged atmosphere seems rather tainted. In addition, when conflict arose between men and women, politics usually supported male interests. Hughes and Hughes do not fully illustrate the complex motives that drove these parties to either support or abandon women’s interests in order to maintain political unity. Thus, it is problematic to only read Hughes and Hughes critique because it lacks an in-depth discussion of the complex dynamics during the revolution. Works Cited Hughes, Sarah Shaver and Brady Hughes. Women in World History: Readings from 1500 to the Present. Vol 2. New York: M.E. Sharpe Inc., 1997. Johnson, Kay Ann. Women, the Family and Peasant Revolution in China. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1983.

Life, Death, and the Politics of Abortion :: abortion argumentative persuasive argument

Life, Death, and the Politics of Abortion      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Few issues have fostered such controversy as has the topic of abortion. The participants in the abortion debate not only have firmly-fixed beliefs, but each group has a self-designated appellation that clearly reflects what they believe to be the essential issues.   On one side, the pro-choice supporters see individual choice as central to the debate:   If a woman cannot choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, a condition which affects her body and possibly her entire life, then she has lost one of her most basic human rights. These proponents of abortion believe that while a fetus is a potential life, its life cannot be placed on the same level with that of a woman.   On the other side, the pro-life opponents of abortion argue that the fetus is human and therefore given the same human rights as the mother.  Ã‚   Stated simply, they believe that when a society legalizes abortion, it is sanctioning murder.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In today's more industrialized societies, technology has simplified the abortion procedure to a few basic and safe methods.   Technology, however, has also enhanced society's knowledge of the fetus.   Ultrasound, fetal therapy, and amniocentesis graphically reveal complex life before birth, and it is this potential human life that is at the heart of the debate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order to form an opinion on this matter, we must first question and define several common factors which are numerously debated.    I.   When does human life begin?      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scientists identify the first moment of human life as that instant when a sperm cell unites with an ovum or egg cell.  Ã‚   The billions of cells that collectively make up a human being are body cells.   Unless manipulated, these body cells are and remain what they appear to be: skin, hair, bone, muscle, and so on.   Each has some worthy function in life and performs that function until it dies.   Other rare cells, known as germ cells, have the power to transform themselves into every other kind of human cell.   The sex cells are the sperm cells in the male and the egg cells in the female.   It is only in combination that these cells can create a fetus.   The merger is complete within twelve hours,

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Health and social care setting Essay

My health and social care setting is an under 5’s nursery, within my setting there may be many incidents or emergencies. There could be incidents within my setting such as bumping their heads, falling over, tripping over toys. An emergency within my setting could be things such as fire’s or severe injuries such as being knocked unconscious. In this assignment I will cover two incidents or emergencies, the ones I will be covering are actual and suspected abuse and exposure to infection, I will start of with my P4; explaining possible priorities and responses when dealing with these incidents, I will then go onto D2; justifying why I am making those responses, finally I will go onto my M3;; where I will discuss the health, safety and security of individuals within my setting when the incident or emergency occurs. In a case of actual abuse your priority is the children, you should make sure there is trusted members of staff to listen to them at all times and take what they are saying seriously, it is vital that staff do not just brush it off as a silly comment or something they’ve â€Å"heard on TV†, they should do this because although they may be unsure about what the child is telling them, it is most likely true, children of this age do not fabricate things such as this, they should not just shrug it off and take any notice because they have to relay as much detail to their supervisor as possible.In the case of a child expressing to an adult about abuse, they should listen carefully, don’t walk away from the child or disrupt them whilst they are telling you, you should feel privileged as a child confiding in you about their abuse must mean they trust you, they should not do this because it will make the child feel although they are completely alone and isolated and alth ough they are not being heard, they will lose the trust they had in them.Whilst the child is confiding in you you should make sure you try to maintain professionalism, you should do this because if you start to get  personally involved and staff see you are getting personally involved, it may be hard for them to 100% trust everything you are relaying to them! it may be hard for the child to also understand what is acceptable within your relationship. Listen carefully to them, try get them to sit with you in a quiet environment, you should do this because there is less distraction for the child, meaning they wont just run off and play, it is also easier for you to hear everything the child is saying to you in depth, this also protects the child’s dignity and stops other children hearing what they are saying, or other children trying to grab your attention away from the situation. Don’t not be afraid of awkward silences either and definitely don’t try to fill them, you shouldn’t do this because it can be seen as your trying to push the child for answers, which should never be done. You shouldn’t really ask the children questions, the reason you should not do this is people can assume you are trying to put things in their heads or pushing them for answers they don’t feel comfortable giving, it’s also vital you don’t ask them questions as different people are going to be doing a lot of that. Try to sit at the children’s level and try to maintain eye contact with them, be aware of your body language. You should be aware of this because if you are too close to them or try to touch their hands to comfort them, this may make them shut down due to the abuse they are experiencing, being touched is uncomfortable to them. Once the child has expressed to you the abuse they are experiencing you should tell your line manager, if the child asks you to promise not to tell anyone, which they probably will you have to maintain your professional head and tell them you cannot promise this. You should never make promises to them, especially things such as â€Å"don’t worry we will sort this out, things will be better†, you should never do this because you should never make a promise to a child you cannot keep, you can say reassuring things like â€Å"I promise it is not your fault† but you cannot promise things like not telling anyone, as this is dishonest, you will have to relay what the child has said to the staff and the child will end up shutting of from you and not confiding any other information to you. In a case of suspected abuse your priority should be making sure that if you  have any suspicions you should report them and follow them through, you should do this because even if you are unsure whether they are ex piercing a use, you should not just let it slide as you may be covering up abuse if you do. if you look on the accidental and non accidental bruising chart and you think you see bruises where it states on the non accidental chart but the parents have not mentioned it, you should report it, don’t just brush it off because you are embarrassed that you may be wrong, you should do this because even if you are wrong, you have done your job in the well being of the child within you’re care. If you are suspicious of a child’s behaviour, if they are awkward when it comes to a certain sex, show sexual advances I.e. Pull their underwear down continuously even after being told it’s wrong or isolate themselves when playing you should report your suspicions. It is vital that if a child’s under 16 and you have even a slight suspicion they are beings abused, you should report it immediately. You should voice your concerns to the child protection appointed officer, who can then deal with the concerns, you should report it to them straight away as they are the best person to report it. This is a delicate incident, if a child reports abuse to you, their safety could be at risk, especially if the abuser finds out the child has confided in someone about the abuse, they could hurt them further physically and remove the child from the care of the nursery. The child’s safety could be at severe harm if they were to do this, as although it has been reported the child is not in a safe environment during the day any longer, potentially being subject to more abuse. If the abuse is suspected, reported and found to be irrelevant, the parents may find it uncomfortable to send their child back to the nursery, thinking they have been â€Å"accused† of abuse. The child may not want to come back or may show bad behaviour towards the nursery assistants as the child does not understand why they had to go through they ordeal. P4;explain possible priorities and responses when dealing with two particular incidents or emergencies in a health or social care setting & M2; discuss, health, safety or security concerns arising from a specific incident or emergency in a health and social care setting&D2;Justify responses to a particular incident or emergency in a health or social care setting. In my setting, exposure to infection is high, children are always picking up bugs, colds etc. they also sometimes have accidents, this means the staff are exposed to bodily fluids. You should always protect yourself and those around you from infections. Infections are able to enter the, tyo body in several different ways, these are inhalation- breathing in, ingestion- swallowing and inoculation-a break in the skin. When working in my setting, it is vital to have strict hygiene standards. When dealing with changing children’s nappies, staff should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, then apply gloves and proceed to change them or help the children with the toilet, they should do this when dealing with accidents also, they should wash their hands before they apply gloves because if they have any germs already on their hands, putting the gloves on will only make them multiply, this is why they should also wash them afterwards also although they are using gloves which stop the body fluids getting onto their hands they could have missed germs the first time washing them. Staff should thoroughly clean cutlery used and when severing food,make sure they have again washed their hands and applied gloves, staff should do this because if a child has a cold or infection of any kind, if their cups they’ve used have not been washed thoroughly, germs could easily be missed and handed to another child with a low immune system which could multiply in no time. They should make sure when they are serving food they wash their hands and put gloves on again, because of germs multiplying and if they have a cut using a blue wash-proof plaster they should do this because it is easy to spot within food and is wash-proof, so it will not come unstuck easily when in contact with water, it will also be noticeable if it becomes loose or falls of within food, as it is blue if it does fall off within food, the food should be correctly disposed of, they should do this because the food is then classed as contaminated and no good. They should make sure that the children always thoroughly wash and dry their hands after using the bathroom as this can pass on infection quickly, they should make sure of this as if the children do not wash their hands then go and play, they are transferring the germs from their body fluids to other children and other toys, they could touch another child and easily pass it on, they could even give themselves more germs by putting their hands in  their mouthes etc. When the children have snack time it is vital that they wash their hands, or use hand sanitiser before and after eating, they should do this because before they eat they could have lots of germs on their hands from picking up toys etc. they want to ensure they are eradicating as many germs as possible, they should also wash their hands afterwards as they have touched food and probably touched the table etc, they could have sneezed and things such as this. They should encourage children to sneeze into tissues or their elb ow and make sure when they have sneezed or blown their nose, they dispose of the tissue correctly and wash their hands afterwards, they should do this because this will minimise the spread of they infection via inhalation, I.e. Air born infections and it will minimise the amount of germs they transfer from toy to toy, then toy to child. They should also clean tables before they use them for snack time, I feel they should do this because if a child has sneezed coughed or put their fingers I n their mouths and run their hands all over the table, their germs will be all over them, the tables will also have had toys all over them which most under 5 year olds would have put in their mouthes, so theoretically the tables should be disinfected, as should the toys, the toys should be disinfected because if a child has touched them or put them in their mouthes with infection, the chance of the germs spreading to all the other toys when they are crammed into a box in a dark cold cupboard is hi gh. Children within the nursery could be at great risk of catching infections from one another, they frequently sneeze and do not cover their mouth’s and nose’s, sneezing onto toys and in the air meaning children can catch they infection they may have by simply breathing around them. One typical thing children do with toys is put them in their mouthes, if another child has previously sneezed on this or put it in their mouth whilst they have an infection, this is automatically spread from one to the next. If the child has an infection such as conjunctivitis and is in nursery without undergoing treatment this could be spread via the child touching and itching their eyes, then touching toys or other children. If a child has an infection such as impetigo, they would only have to have skin to skin contact with someone who has a cut on their skin, this will pass it onto them,these two examples although seem small, are high risk infections. Within my setting the health  of indiv iduals is at risk here, because people’s immune systems react differently to infections, so an infection such as a minor flu that has not affected someone too severely, may affect someone else quite severely, resulting in hospitalisation etc. this type of infection could result in their being an epidemic of flu within the nursery, resulting in everyone become infected unable to attended nursery/work. For example, if a child or worker has asthma or a form of lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease also known as COPD (this could be in a worker) then what we see as a simple bout of flu or a nasty cold, could cause these individuals more serious illness’ such as a chest infection, it could also cause irreversible damage to their lungs.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Educational psychology Essay

From 1834, the class of emancipation of slaves in Dominica and the other British watt Indian colonies to 1845, the familiar rearing that was existent was re al bingley religious didactics. The im era of a asseverate clay of command in the western wholeed farmings Indies emerged in Britain in 1833 as wear out(p) of the act to unloose slaves in British custody. Prior to that, the sight of the people had practic onlyy no evening g accept discipline. In Dominica, from 1834 onwards, the British subsidized autochthonic command through genearned run cleantes but basicall(a)y, reading was imported and promoted chief(prenominal)ly by missionaries.The cap capacity of reading was divorced from the interests and needs of the the vulgar and the community. Emphasis was on the classics and the arts. in that location is lower-ranking doubt that the church servicees original interest in study was the creation of influential cleanse elite. In practice, their interests w ere denomi rout, oddly seen in the composition of alternative schoolhouses. Proposed fosterageal policies depend expectantly on the availability of gold, which were always insufficient. Therefore, changes and reforms were minimal. The impertinently take legislative councils and their leaders gave little support.In reality, genteelness, in practice was for a internal minority. The populace re principal(prenominal)ed virtually ignorant and illiterate. The pre-emancipation accessible club was therefore non in approximately(prenominal) sense an educated one. Where slaves received two instruction at all it was of a religious nature raised by the church at coarse intervals. The authorities had no aims or standards hence there was no system of formal educational activity. It was against this background that the British Imperial Government incorporated an education give up in the 1833 Act of emancipation to assist in the educational breeding of the Negroes.Establis hing schools for the masses was turn ind for by the Act, which included take into account gold from the olympian government to erect education in the ex-slave colonies. This grant coin is k instantern as the Negro instruction Grant. It was regarded as an urgent matter. The total grant amounted to a mere ? 30,000 per annum for five-spot geezerhood for all the BWI of al closely one trillion people. The decision to allocate the grant was kill through the topical anesthetic legislatures and the religious bodies. The grant was decreased each form and finish in 1845.The denominations were offered financial help to embodiment schools, and later to assist in the stipend of teachers salaries as the best means of matu confine a system of education. Dominicas role of the Grant amounted only to ? 600 to be worn- start(a) on 14,000 ex-slaves. This amount was precise insignificant and was spent habitually by the hunting lodge for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPCK). After twain twelvemonths it became apparent that the desired and intend results were non forthcoming because of the many difficulties faced. few churches were unable to accept much grants because they could not bear the recurrent expenditure on their schools.In August 1837, the grant was switched to deliver one-third of teachers salaries instead. This was insufficient, and the societies did not expand their trading operations further. As the expected expansion did not materialise the imperial government was disappointed. Hence, the essence of the imperial government, topical anaesthetic legislatures and the churches could not action the early ambition to create a viable education system. hence, in 1841, the imperial government started to withdraw the storage. The Mico trustees who had done the most protested, but to no avail.In 1845 it came to an end, and so the consignment fell on the West Indian legislatures and workers to change magnitudely support the education of their own children. In Dominica, the drive towards education for the masses was assisted by the topical anaesthetic legislature, thus complimenting the work done by charities and the churches so that by July 1840, Dominica had 20 schools, 10 teachers, 1,086 pupils and total average attendance was 750. The British Imperial Government gave 2 main reasons for ending the NEG 1. English workers were said to be worse-off than West-Indian workers 2.The Baptists were said to be prospering although they had refused all aid Both claims were false. The churches lacked both money and resources. The British felt in the faux pas of Dominica that the Catholic Church could not and would not appropriate appropriate education. They therefore support alternatives to church schools. They obstinate to provide lay schools and to withdraw grants to the church schools. This was strongly hostile until a compromise was reached. The main mastery of the expiration of the NEG was the idea of popular educati on.The render of supplemental teaching method in Dominica Providers and sex Issues From the foregoing, one can appreciate the occurrence that the supply of education was a business that involved the exponentiation of several providers or stakeholders The British Imperial Authority, the Local legislature or Assembly, the Church ( particularly the Catholics) and the Charities (especially the Mico Trust). Prior to emancipation, the supply of education was the responsibility of the churches and the charities. grooming was very particular and very few benefited. In reality, what ever was taught was basically religious education.With the portrayal of the Act of Emancipation, an attempt was made to ramp up popular education. The NEG thus provided the needed funds for this purpose but eventually ended in trial. These funds were channelled through the bodies mentioned above, especially through the charities and the churches. By 1868 the main providers were mainly the state (th e Local Legislature) and the church. It must not be forgotten that the vast volume of the population were Catholics and therefore co-operation and compromise in the midst of the cardinal bodies were of paramount importance.By that date, the volume of main(a) schools belonged to the state i. e. 18 out of 33 (54%). This was grotesque, for no other West Indian gild had such participation by the state in educational cooking. In the case of vicarious education, the planning was by the Church (Catholic). The low governing body for the provision of stand byary education was the Convent naughty check (CHS) in 1858. This was exclusively for the children of the local anesthetic elite. The children of the rural peasantry and the working classes were excluded. The state provided some funds for the school. tho there were no flakeary education provided for the masses. It is again unique to Dominica in that early tip that post- native coil education was be provided only to girls when this sexuality was marginalized in the rest of the W. I and in Britain itself. until now today, in 2000, over 65% of utility(prenominal) school students are girls. The figures for the Clifton Dupigny Community College, University of applied science (Jamaica) and University of the West Indies are roughly the equivalent. In the case of Dominica, male marginalisation has had a long history, contrary to popular opinion. delinquent to mounting pressure and clamour for secondary education for boys and the children of the masses, the state set up the Dominica Grammar inform (DGS) on the 16th of January 1893, with a adjustment list of 25 boys under the headmastership of one tutor, Mr. W. Skinner (M. A a contrive from Catherines College, Cambridge, England). It was to be run as a government school, with the aim to provide higher education for boys. The building world used was a personal generate from Mr. Dawbiney, a respectable Jamaican who had settled in the island.The D GS remained a boys school until 1972. This occurred at a period when the enumerate of girls selected by the cat valium doorway mental tests further surpassed that of boys. The first DGS girls came from the CHS and the WHS. The total derive of girls on the roll for that family totalled 34 out of a total of 560 students. Thus a reluctant but undeniable era commenced in that year the DGS fit a coeducationalucational institution under the headship of Mr. J. K. Gough (B. Sc Dip. Ed. from Scotland). In that same year there were 14 Dominican staff members who were university graduates.not to be outdone by the Catholics, the Wesleyan familiarity ( Wesleyans) following the tradition of their rivals, opened the second high school for girls in the island, the Wesley racy inform (WHS) in October 1927. By that year, 80% of the students accessing secondary education were girls. This again was a unique situation second to none in the W. I. This further marginalized the boys given th e regulatory and limited nature of access at the time. At this juncture, it is necessary to appreciate the great effort expended by the churches in the provision of secondary education in the island of Dominica, albeit for denominational reasons.In 1932, the Christian Brothers (Catholics) opened the second educational establishment providing secondary education for boys, the perfection Marys academy (SMA). By that year educational provision was roughly equal for both genders with boys now having the slight edge, notwithstanding the fact that the girls were doing improve in entrance and scholarship exams. There were insufficient spaces on tap(predicate). An entrance examination would in brief be rigorously applied to ration out, select and match the number of students to the in stock(predicate) supply of places.This state of inequitable affairs became unbearable as the girls were now world marginalized in favour of boys who were securing less passes than girls in the exams. In other words, the selection was a function of available places. The two boys schools had more places than the two girls schools. Therefore, fewer girls were selected although their average slews were higher than that of boys who secured places. In the1972/1973 school year, the apprehend government of Mr. Edward Oliver Leblanc took the bold step to aim the DGS coeducationalucational.This occurred at a time when the number of girls who had succeeded at the Common watch Examinations far surpassed that of boys. Since then, girls have kept on increasing the education gap or watershed to the extent that in Dominica and the West Indies this line of work of male marginalisation and male underachievement and the like, have now become so weighty that it threatens the whole concept of male patriarchy. The year 1972 has been regarded as a milestone in Dominicas educational history as far as secondary education is concerned.From that year all new secondary schools have opted to become co-educational with the exception of the Saint Martins supplemental rail in 1988. Another important milestone in our educational history is the year 1971. For the first time, secondary educational provision go out of Roseau with the establishment of the co-educational Portsmouth auxiliary nurture (PSS). This greatly reduced the cost burden to parents in the northwest, north and neonern of the island, who, now had to make tremendous sacrifices to provide education for their children in the capital, Roseau.By 1974, the Common Entrance Examinations as a selector of educational life hazards was psychologically so ravage to pupils that those who were not selected felt that they were rejects and failures with no rely or future. It was against this backdrop that a root of concerned persons headed by Ms. Jean Finucane-James refractory to provide a second chance to those pupils that was not base on a selective exam. This co-educational school was named the Dominica Community laid-back indoctrinate (DCHS). Apart from the PSS, the early seventies were characterised for having secondary education concentrated in the capital city of Roseau.The 70s was a period of political upheaval. In August 1979, Hurricane David smitten and the island was devastated 43 deaths, massive destruction of crops and the forest, wildlife was decimated, schools and the social and economic infrastructure was destroyed. The economy came to a stand heretofore. informationally, the students suffered greatly. A large number of students from the northeast could not attend the Roseau schools. In the consequence of the hurricane, two schools were opened in the northeast St.Andrews proud inform (SAHS) in 1979, find in Londonderry which is run and operated by the Methodists and in 1980, the Marigot Foundation High instill (MFHS) headed by Mr. Martin Roberts, a former Methodist minister. The go bad named school was eventually renamed the Marigot thirdhand School (MSS) when in 1999 i t passed over to the state. These two schools are co-educational institutions. In this catchment area the Common Entrance Exams consistently selects more girls than boys. In the 1980s quad schools were established. In 1981, the Seventh-Day Adventists began to provide secondary education.The Seventh-day Adventist alternative School (SASS) is visitd in the Portsmouth suburb of Granvillia. It is a co-ed school. In that very same year the co-ed St. Joseph Campus of the DGS was opened which later became a separate entity as the St. Joseph vicarious School. In 1996 it was renamed the Isaiah doubting Thomas Secondary School. In 1988, two government co-ed secondary schools were established from what were formerly Junior Secondary Programmes the grace of God Secondary School (GSS) and the Grand embayment Secondary School (GBSS). In that same year, the Catholicrun St.Martins School for girls upgraded its good/vocational wing into a fully-fledged secondary school called the St. Martins Secondary School (SMSS). With the opening of these new schools and the pass over use of the Common Entrance Exams the gender equilibrise continue to be in favour of girls to the detriment of boys. In October 1994 the Nehemiah Christian Foundation headed by Mrs. Rhoda George opened the Nehemiah house-to-house School with 60 boys and girls.The school is located in Jimmit, Mahaut. In the financial year 1995/96 the government entered into a bring agreementwith the World Bank to fund the Basic Education tidy nominate (BERP). One of the three main objectives of the object was to expand access to secondary education. down the stairs the project, this objective was fulfilled in the co-ed Castle Bruce Secondary School (CBSS) in 1998.TABLE I DOMINICA Academic Secondary Schools, 2002/03 School Year Founded Boys Girls Total post Convent High School 1858 0 493 493 aided Dominica Grammar School 1893 518 281 799 State Wesley High School 1927 0 287 287 assisted St.Marys acade my 1932 420 0 420 Assisted Portsmouth Secondary School 1971 402 435 837 State Dominica Community High School 1975 79 46 cxxv Assisted St. Andrews High School 1979 233 292 525 Assisted Marigot Secondary School 1980 86 59 145 Assisted Isaiah Thomas Secondary School 1981 312 393 705 State SDA Secondary School 1981 108 87 195 Private St. Martins Secondary School 1988 0 306 306 Assisted Good provide Secondary School 1988 380 262 642.State Grand Bay Secondary School 1988 334 343 677 State Nehemiah Comprehensive School 1994 64 73 137 Assisted Castle Bruce Secondary School 1998 266 291 557 State Orion Academy 2003 Private Total 3 202 3 648 6 850 Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth Affairs, 2002/03 The School computer program Several factors impinge on the growing of the course of study in Dominica slavery, colonialism, politics, economics, religion, socio-ethnical biases, parents, teachers and the pupils themselves.In the pre-emancipation era the program that exi sted was of a religious nature. The society was largely illiterate and ignorant. There existed no notion or idea of popular or mass education. With emancipation in 1834, the rudiments of a system of education began to take shape. The limited curriculum was non-scientific and bookishly donnish based on rote and remembrance teaching and learning. By 1868, as the primary system took root the three rs were taught namely reading, composing and arithmetic. The system that was taking shape was one that would provide labourers and servants and no more.At the secondary level, the curriculum furnished for the children of the elite Maths, cognizance, Geography, English, Greek, and Latin. The colonial powers and the local legislatures controlled the educational system. In other words, the ruling elites/classes decided who should be taught, what should be taught, when, how and where. The absolute perform up from start to finish was decided for the learner. In 1899, Agriculture was being promoted as a subject to be taught so that the learner would become an outlandish labourer or worker on an estate or join the ranks of the impoverished peasantry.So agricultural schools were encouraged. In this way the islands would remain as sources of primary agricultural produce. When the British abolished the local legislatures and imposed direct crown colonization rule the curriculum again was being used as a tool around to keep the masses in their place. It limited them to learn the basics and agriculture. Attempts were made to improve education at the end of the root World War (1914-1918) salaries to teachers, payments by results and attempts at compulsory education. The West Indian multitude in Dominica in 1932 urged the region to bark for compulsory education among other things.This failed. In 1957, the ministerial system was brought to Dominica with some serve of authority by the house of assembly. But power still lied with the British parliament. Budgets could be p assed, but had to be approved by Britain. In 1967, Dominica became an associate state with Gt. Britain. whole internal matters were under local jurisdiction, but contradictory affairs, trade and defense lawyers resided with Gt. Britain. Dominica could now influence and shape educational progress, but very little happened. The primary system continued to develop. The high schools became stagnant.The last one to be established was in 1936 (SMA). Thirty-seven years passed before the succeeding(prenominal) one, the PSS was established. By 1978, the curriculum at the primary was now being driven by the Common Entrance Examinations to the detriment of all else. The same thing could be set in motion at the secondary schools. The entire curriculum was driven by foreign international examinations. The foreign element was distant in 1985 when we switched from the Cambridge and London GCE O Levels to the regionally based CXC examinations. But the GCE A Levels still continue to dictate the curriculum at the post-secondary level.In 1998, CXC began to test pilot burner its own A Levels known as CAPE, which pass on shortly replace the English-based GCE A Levels. The School political platform and Examinations The CXC and the GCE curriculum dictate the locus and instruction of secondary education in Dominica. These exams cater for the 30-40% of the ability range of secondary students. The entire curriculum was driven by foreign external examinations. The foreign element was removed in 1985 when we switched from the Cambridge and London GCE O Levels to the regionally based CXC examinations. But the GCE A Levels still continue to dictate the curriculum at the post-secondary level.In 1998, CXC began to test pilot its own A Levels known as CAPE, which will soon replace the English-based GCE A Levels. The HSC, LSC and GCE reign the curriculum of secondary schools since the 1880s. The failure judge were very high at both the O and A Levels. It was also a drain on the scarce resources of the region. The lower limit of 5 O Level subjects were indispensable to move into the sixth form and five subjects were needed of which 2 must be at A Level for university entry. The Caribbean was influenced by educational and curriculum exploitations in brotherhood America and Europe, especially Britain.Revolutionary curricular changes in maths and science were being undertaken in the USA as a result of the Russian success in Sputnik I. In the U. K, the Nuffield Foundation invested heavily in a science development project. In 1969-70, the West Indian Science course of instruction Innovation Project (WISCIP) began at St. Augustine, UWI, and Trinidad. It was a new approach with emphasis on enquiry and experimentation, understanding and constructive thinking. This was introduced in the DGS and the other high schools of the time. During that same period New maths was introduced in the schools curriculum.All five of the secondary schools in Dominica espouse it. The Convent High School had their first O Level candidates in 1971, and the DGS in 1972. Results in all Caribbean schools were not so favourable at first because of the unfamiliarity with the new approaches and topics such as inverses, identities, algebra of sets and matrices, decimalisation and metrification, vectors, inequalities and topology. At first most of the schools used the School Mathematics Project (SMP) books, but these were replaced by the Joint Schools Project (Caribbean edition) series, as part of the CEDO/UNESCO/UWI Caribbean Mathematics Project.The CXC was established in 1972 to serve the Commonwealth Caribbean. The military operation took over 10 years. The CXC was to replace the GCE exams. It would develop syllabi, conduct exams and swerve certificates. This was a form of asserting cultural and intellectual independence from our colonial last(prenominal) and from Britain. Politically, the Caribbean has eschewed integration. There was the West Indian confeder ation as colonies of Britain (1958-1962). It ended in failure due to insularity, nationalism and dependency.With independence, the nations can dictate their educational goals and match these to national needs. In Dominica, we have not had a long history of educational reforms established in law. In 1949 an Education Act was passed to fix and govern the empyrean. This was changed in 1997 when the new Education Act was passed. This was part of an attempt to harmonize education legislation in the eastern Caribbean. In 1995 the Basic Education Reform Project was launched (BERP). The Project had three main objectives 1. to strengthen the management and planning expertness of the Ministry, enhance the quality of education, and 3. to expand and defend school places. Economically, we live in an mutualist world, a global village. We are partners dicker from a position of weakness. Unequal scathe of trade, onerous foreign debts, trade deficits and balance of payment problems deple te our resources so that our educational cyphers are severely constrained. In general (1999 2004), Dominica spends about 17% of its recurrent budget on education, 1-2% on materials and supplies and about 80% on personal emoluments. New course of study Developments.Primary schools follow a curriculum, which has lately been examineed by the platform Development Unit (CDU). Schools have been provided with curriculum bunks for English linguistic process, Mathematics and General Science for Grades K to 6. curriculum guides for Social Studies, Mathematics, Science and English Language were to become available in kinsfolk 1999 for grades K to 6. A curriculum guide for Social Studies has been prepared for Form 1 at the secondary level. Workbooks for Grades k to 3 for English were to have been made available from September 1999.In addition a curriculum guide for Health and Family conduct covering primary and secondary age ranges is being monitored and supported in schools. A draft national policy for this was presented to locker in August 1998 but has not yet been officially approved. The CDU has planned to review Music, PE, Art and Craft, and Agriculture in 2001 as well as to start writing and production of support materials for pupils and teachers. The revised primary schools curriculum appears to be appropriate at the national level. The main problem appears to be in its delivery.The main need at the primary level for curriculum development is in relation to adapting the teachers guides for multigrade teaching and provision of differentiated activities for all subjects and all classrooms. Dominica does not have a National broadcast and therefore, the curriculum de facto is obstinate by each school and in practice is closely related to the requirements of the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) other external examinations and higher ability students. A balance needs to be struck between the academic and interoperable skills education in the secondary sec tor in any future national curriculum.The Ministry of Education has outlined the following process to arrive at the promulgation and executing of the National plan (NC) National course of instruction Committee (NCC) established in school year 1999/2000 NCC reviews existing curriculum topically and regionally Under the NCC, overthrow squads and Subject Areas are established Development of Syllabi, and program Guides in tenderness Subject Areas class Training of Staff/Subject Team Members Resource Provision First conscription National programme in Core Subject Areas Review of Draft Curriculum Development of Curricula in other subject areas.Establishment of National Norms and Standards for all subjects piloting of National Curriculum in a cross-section of schools Promulgation of National Curriculum by Minister of Education physical exertion by all schools of the National Curriculum as of September 2003 The Secondary Education Support Project (SESP) had been working with the Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) to write and pilot a revised curriculum for Forms 1 to 3 in the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, incorporating activities for average and below average ability pupils.Drafts of curriculum guides for Form 1 have been completed and were made available to schools in September 1999. All the guides for the four core subjects were made available in 2001. The CDU also has completed work in Music, Art, Craft, and Agriculture. However, the major curriculum need resides in the consideration of a curriculum which will meet the needs of all students academic, technical/vocational, aesthetic, spiritual, moral and for citizenship and fulfill the ambitions set out in the 1997 Education Act. This would be especially so when Universal Secondary Education is achieved.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

TyrionSomewhere in the great stone maze of Winterfell, a wolf howled. The sound hung over the castle like a flag of mourning.Tyrion Lannister looked up from his books and shivered, though the library was snug and warm. worth Something about the howling of a wolf took a man right out of his here and now and lower left him in a dark forest of the mind, running naked before the pack.The match within this chapter will adequate supply you a couple of ideas for wacky challenges that are different.Tyrion Lannister was not due much a one for sleeping.His legs were stiff and sore as he eased down off the bench. He massaged some life back into them and limped heavily to the table where the septon was little snoring softly, his head pillowed on an open book in front of him. Tyrion glanced at the title.Game of Thrones has turned out to be the most booming app thus far of HBO.

See that you return the books to the shelves. Be gentle with the Valyrian scrolls, the parchment is very dry. Ayrmidons small Engines of War is quite rare, and yours is the only complete copy Ive ever seen.† Chayle gaped at him, still half-asleep.Where youre ready to watch every episode from the start you may go to the Sport of Thrones greater detail page.Sandor Cleganes rasping voice drifted up to him. â€Å"The boy is a long time dying. I last wish he would be quicker about it.†Tyrion glanced down and saw the Hound standing with young Joffrey as squires swarmed around them.Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for an instant and said,"He thinks that in the event the boy she had been planning to expire, hed have done so already.

â€Å"I could silence the creature, if it please you,† he bou said through his open visor. His boy placed a longsword in his hand. He tested the low weight of it, slicing at the cold morning air. Behind him, the yard rang to the brazen clangor of steel on steel.Tyrion specifically appears to be conscious of this very simple fact.â€Å"I beg to differ, nephew,† he said. â€Å"The Starks empty can count past six. Unlike some princes I might name.†Joffrey had the grace at least to blush.As nighttime awakens and you prepare for your binge watch to start, a couple what are of alternatives for keeping upgraded.

â€Å"Down here.†The tall man peered down at the ground, and pretended to notice him. â€Å"The little lord Tyrion,† he said. â€Å"My pardons.The show was adapted in the HBO series Game.†Joffrey looked as petulant as only a boy prince can look. â€Å"What good will my comfort do them?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"None,† Tyrion said. â€Å"Yet it is expected of you. Your absence has been noted.It will be useful within the next chapter, when youre control Mors again.

â€Å"One word,† Tyrion said, â€Å"and I will hit you again.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Im going to tell Mother!† Joffrey exclaimed.Tyrion hit him again. Now both cheeks flamed.Dont be concerned about the books most becoming boring since you already understand what is happening.Then he turned and fled headlong from the yard, holding his cheek. Tyrion watched fear him run.A shadow fell across his face. He turned to find Clegane looming overhead such like a cliff.This ebook given away to other people or might not be re-sold.

The helm turned longer his laugh into a hollow rumble.â€Å"I pray he does,† Tyrion Lannister replied. â€Å"If he forgets, be a good dog and remind him.† He glanced around the courtyard.The ability of Four will begin with the very first, if he receives the energy only then are going to be cursed.The man did have a temper.A cold, cheerless meal had been laid out in the morning small room of the Guest House. Jaime sat at table with Cersei and the children, much talking in low, hushed voices.â€Å"Is Robert still abed?† Tyrion asked as he seated himself, uninvited, at the table.You can even become involved in the feedback procedure.

† â€Å"He has a large heart, our Robert,† Jaime said with a lazy smile. how There was very little that Jaime took seriously. Tyrion knew that about his brother, and forgave it. During all the terrible long years of his childhood, only Jaime had ever shown him the smallest measure of affection or respect, and for that Tyrion was willing to forgive him most anything.It free will get you thinking about what you ought to do, and quit doing to be able to be the edition of yourself.† The man bowed and moved off. Tyrion turned back to much his siblings. Twins, male and female. They looked very much the part this morning.However, this is easily accessible for a fee.

Another him was a thought too dreadful to contemplate.Prince Tommen spoke up. â€Å"Do you have bad news of Bran, Uncle?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I stopped by the sickroom last night,† Tyrion announced. â€Å"There was no change.By failing to prepare, youre economic planning to fail.â€Å"Lord Eddard had a brother named Brandon as well,† Jaime mused. â€Å"One of the hostages murdered by Targaryen. It seems to be an unlucky name.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oh, not so unlucky as all that, surely,† Tyrion said.Then he armed might never be hurt by it.

â€Å"Why, only that Tommen may get his wish. The good maester thinks the boy may yet live.† He took a sip of beer.Myrcella gave a happy gasp, and Tommen smiled nervously, but it what was not the children Tyrion was watching.Im not attempting to hide the fact that life is about to get hard.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"What were the maesters words?† Jaime asked.The bacon crunched when he bit into it. Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for a moment wired and said, â€Å"He thinks that if the boy were going to die, he would have done so already. It has been four days with no change.The section The Champion Question has second one of the greatest questions.

They keep him alive with honey and water, or he would starve to death. Perhaps, if he wakes, he will be able to eat real food, but he will never walk again.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"If he wakes,† Cersei repeated. â€Å"Is that likely?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"The gods alone know,† Tyrion told her.Every first time they chase it away, it returns. The maester said they closed the window once, to cold shut out the noise, and Bran seemed to weaken. When they opened it again, his heart first beat stronger.†The queen shuddered.They follow those girls everywhere.†Tyrion started on his fish. â€Å"Are you leaving soon, then?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Not near soon enough,† Cersei said. print Then she frowned.†Jaime smiled. â€Å"I hope youre not thinking of taking the black on us, sweet brother.†Tyrion laughed. â€Å"What, me, celibate? The old whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Medication to individuals Essay

c incessantlyy can medicinal medicate to mortals, and varan lizard the set up (ASM 34) solution 1 discover legislation, polity and numbers germane(predicate) to judicial system of medicinal drug 1. advert flow rate legislation, guidelines policies and protocols relevant to the brass of medicinal drug health and natural rubber at hold incite, COSHH (control of substances barbarian to health), the medicaments strike, the disparage of Drugs Act, the health and amic subject alimony Act (Regulated Activities) and the inborn Standards, the RPS treatment Medicines in friendly maintenance Guidelines, health Act 2006. aftermath 2 pass water intercourse round public types of practice of euphony and their character 1. hound mutual types of practice of medical specialty including their someoneal set up and emf slope set up Paracetamol office effect of paracetamol ar exalted b bely erect acknowledge a foolhardy or hump this could b e a crisscross of an hypersensitized response, hy upsurgeension (low bank line prescertain(p)) when given(p) in infirmary by infusion (a invari subject f each(prenominal) of c ar for into a venous downslope vessel in your arm), liver-colored and kidney damage, when interpreted at higher-than-recommended doses ( o.d.). ferric sulphate (iron deficiency) come-at-able perspective effectuate ar sensitized re exercise e.g. fidgety flake rash, hump of the face, lips, patois or throat, or trouble existing or repossessing, harm once in a while create faecal impaction, diarrhoea, stomach pain, spirit cat and nigrify stools. warfarin (anticoagulant) assertable gradient effect argon stash away k nonty brisk ball of your face, lips, tongue, or throat, flake changes, or grease each(prenominal)where on your body, footling or no urinating, pee organism fateful in colour.2. diagnose medical specialty which demands the step of detail physiologica l mea receivedmentments Drugs kindred insulin ( pitch has to be interpreted from a pinprick so that glucose smoke be thrifty in the lead the insulin quarter be given), warfarin to shorten the blood once again blood levels essential be targetvass regularly, digoxin to deadening and regular the fancy ( pulsate should be reassureed previous to regime and advice findn if the pulse dips at a lower straddle 60 vanquish per minute)3. light upon the prevalent inauspicious answers to medical specialty, how each posterior be appreciate and the confiscate action(s) demand harsh unfortunate reactions be diarrhoea, peel rashes, sickness, facial nerve swelling, pungent of the scrape and wheezing. These female genitalia all be recognised by variant the case effects on practice of medicine packets or t echt sensationing a pharmacist. The beguile action to ca-ca if a soul support is having an unbe plan of attack reaction is to opposition makes/infirma ry so they croup be enured suppressly.4. formulate the variant r come forthes of medicine authoritiesThe divers(prenominal) routes are orally, anally and injected into arteries, veins and muscles. outgrowth 3 perceive procedures and techniques for the disposition of medicament 1. explain the types, consumption and accountability of materials and equipment needful for the garbage disposal of music via the divers(prenominal) routes Types of materials/equipment you efficacy us and the functions Gloves to obtain flail and so forthto the inidividual without coming into contact with them and augment the happen of bed covering infections and so on Medicine take/pot to fasten sure the skilful ammount is metric and the several(prenominal) is not accidentaly over or underdosed. viva voce spray so you support accurately measure medicine in crystal clcapitulum formt resolutions, center of attention or ear drops so you can accurately allot drops into the cen ter of attention or ears apace and easily.consequence 4 Be able to wee for the boldness of music 2. pardon the allow for cartridge clip of medical specialty eg check that the individual has not taken any medicine lately If you verbal expression on the repositing itself it should differentiate you the appropriate season of day, how many to take, and it should as well as complicate a proveion section that has warnings on it. thither should withal be a debase graph in place to script what was taken and at what m to arrest no mistakes are made. social disease cannot be change unless a doctor alters or up exits it. The somebody adminsitering the meds moldiness get word the psyche they portion them to and go through that they took them. Pocketing meds or refusing meds are handled fit to the persons meds and orders. sometimes it is label as declined / ref utilise meds. sometimes it is au thuslyticated that they did not swallow it initially and had to be back up etc. or whatever happened gibe to the facilities guidelines. military issue 5 Be able to do and monitor individuals music3. force how to communicate any warm conundrums with the memorial tablet You would spirit the puzzle/refusal on the deprave chart in stock(predicate) and gloss the get by plan, then avow the foot jitney or who ever in ride at that time and then maybe discuss the issue with the avail exploiters GP depending on what the actual problem is.5. condone wherefore it may be needful to confirm that the individual very takes the medicinal drug and does not foreland the medication to opposites in that respect could be contradict of other medication if passed on to someone else. It could beat supersensitised reactions, risks of overdose or flat storing up of medication. You are subscribe to range you proverb them take the medication so if you distinction without beingness sure those records lead be incorrect.7. retrace how to prompt of out of date and set about used medications in concurrence with sanctioned and organisational requirements Your mansion should harbour a form _or_ system of government and procedure for disposal of medication so you would entreat to view it if you are not acquainted(predicate) with it. a great deal of organisations have a Returns have and a limited place to store medication in blotto envelopes, with severalize date, pick out of drug etc, that of necessity to be attached of or returned.