Monday, December 30, 2019

Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression - 719 Words

Bipolar disorder is also known by many as manic depression. It is a serious mental disorder that is associated by sever changes in a person’s mood, the mood changes range from feeling low and depressed to being manic, these changes are the typical symptoms of Bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, and can be managed with therapy and medication. The episodes can last for days, hours or can be very short. Bipolar disorder affects both women and men. There is no known cause, but the symptoms start between the ages of 15-25, and mainly occur in people who have family members with Bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder has been around for a long time .Bipolar disorder can be traced to earliest recorded history to present day. Thousands of years ago, the Greeks recognized the vacillation between elation and depression. It wasn’t until the end of the 20th century that the disease was legitimized by congress. Bipolar comes from Julies Falret, in 1854 used the phrase â€Å"folie circulaire† which means â€Å"circular insanity† (A Brief History paragraph 2). Mr. Falret was the one who made the connection between suicide, depression and the bouts of mania. He also found out that Bipolar disorder was common in families and believed it to be genetic. Mr. Falert’s findings were finally accepted as a psychiatric disorder, it was labeled as Manic-Depressive Psychosis about 21 years later. Around the same time people thought that schizophreniaShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder And Manic Depression2377 Words   |  10 PagesBipolar Disorder, formally known as Manic De pression, is a mental disorder where an individual suffers from abnormal mood swings, experiencing both highs and lows (Hockenbury others, 2015, pg. 585). Severe depression with bouts of irrational happiness, and ecstasy are all symptoms an individual with bipolar disorder may experience (Hockenbury others, 2015, pg 585). 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